Ostatnio aktywny 3 months ago

melanie zrewidował ten Gist 3 months ago. Przejdź do rewizji

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melanie zrewidował ten Gist 3 months ago. Przejdź do rewizji

1 file changed, 137 insertions

last.fm-to-mastodon.js(stworzono plik)

@@ -0,0 +1,137 @@
1 + // Variables used by Scriptable.
2 + // These must be at the very top of the file. Do not edit.
3 + // icon-color: pink; icon-glyph: headphones-alt;
4 + // Last.fm to Mastodon
5 + // by @zicklepop@nyan.lol
6 + //
7 + // Set a profile field to your currently playing track
8 + //
9 + // Requirements:
10 + // - API Key from Last.fm: https://www.last.fm/api
11 + // - Token from Mastodon with permission scopes for:
12 + // `read:account` and `write:account`
13 + // - Find it on your Mastodon instance website under
14 + // Settings -> Development -> New Application
15 +
16 + // Script Constants
17 + // - Ignore, just defining before use
18 + // Continue down to config
19 +
22 +
23 + // Config
24 + // - Put in your details below
25 + // - Find Field By:
26 + // - When set to LASTFM_URL_IN_VALUE the script will
27 + // look for a last.fm url in a field value and set
28 + // the title of the field to the current track
29 + // - When set to LASTFM_IN_NAME the script will look
30 + // for a field title that is `last.fm` (case-insenstive)
31 + // and set the value to the current track
32 +
33 + const LASTFM_USERNAME = ''
34 + const LASTFM_API_KEY = ''
35 + const MASTODON_INSTANCE = '' // ie: social.lol
36 + const MASTODON_TOKEN = ''
38 +
39 + // More Script Constants
40 + // - You can ignore this too
41 +
42 + const LASTFM_API = `http://ws.audioscrobbler.com/2.0/?method=user.getrecenttracks&user=${LASTFM_USERNAME}&api_key=${LASTFM_API_KEY}&format=json&limit=1`
43 + const MASTODON_GET_ACCOUNT_API = `https://${MASTODON_INSTANCE}/api/v1/accounts/verify_credentials`
44 + const MASTODON_UPDATE_FIELDS_API = `https://${MASTODON_INSTANCE}/api/v1/accounts/update_credentials`
45 + const MASTODON_HEADERS = {
46 + 'Content-Type': 'application/json',
47 + Authorization: `Bearer ${MASTODON_TOKEN}`,
48 + }
49 +
50 + // Last FM Related Functions
51 +
52 + function formatTrackString(track) {
53 + const { artist, album, name } = track
54 + const albumName = album['#text']
55 + const artistName = artist['#text']
56 +
57 + // If you want to change the format of the track
58 + // value, you would do it here.
59 + return `${artistName} - ${albumName} - ${name}`
60 + }
61 +
62 + async function getLatestTrack() {
63 + const res = new Request(LASTFM_API)
64 + const data = await res.loadJSON()
65 + const track = data.recenttracks.track[0]
66 + return formatTrackString(track)
67 + }
68 +
69 + // Mastodon Related Functions
70 +
71 + function findProfileField(el, i) {
72 + const { name, value } = el
74 + return value.toLowerCase().indexOf('last.fm/user/') >= 0
75 + }
77 + return name.toLowerCase().indexOf('last.fm') >= 0
78 + }
79 + return false
80 + }
81 +
82 + function buildFieldParams(fields) {
83 + return fields.reduce((out, { name, value }, index) => {
84 + const prefix = index === 0 ? '?' : '&'
85 + return `${out}${prefix}fields_attributes[${index}][name]=${encodeURIComponent(
86 + name
87 + )}&fields_attributes[${index}][value]=${encodeURIComponent(value)}`
88 + }, '')
89 + }
90 +
91 + async function getFields() {
92 + const res = new Request(MASTODON_GET_ACCOUNT_API)
93 + res.headers = MASTODON_HEADERS
94 + const data = await res.loadJSON()
95 + const { source } = data
96 + const { fields } = source
97 + const targetField = fields.find(findProfileField)
98 + const index = fields.indexOf(targetField)
99 + return { index, fields }
100 + }
101 +
102 + async function updateMastodonField() {
103 + const latestTrack = await getLatestTrack()
104 + const { fields, index } = await getFields()
105 + let hasChange = false
106 +
108 + if (fields[index].name !== latestTrack) {
109 + hasChange = true
110 + fields[index].name = latestTrack
111 + }
112 + }
114 + if (fields[index].value !== latestTrack) {
115 + hasChange = true
116 + fields[index].value = latestTrack
117 + }
118 + }
119 +
120 + if (hasChange) {
121 + const apiUrl = `${MASTODON_UPDATE_FIELDS_API}${buildFieldParams(fields)}`
122 + const res = new Request(apiUrl)
123 + res.headers = MASTODON_HEADERS
124 + res.method = 'PATCH'
125 + const data = await res.loadJSON()
126 +
127 + if (data.error) {
128 + console.log(`Error: ${data.error}`)
129 + } else {
130 + console.log('Updated')
131 + }
132 + } else {
133 + console.log('No change')
134 + }
135 + }
136 +
137 + await updateMastodonField()
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