const config = { ACCESS_KEY: "", CLEANUP: false, DEBUG: false, PULL_ZONES: [69, 420], }; const consts = { AI_ROBOTS_FILE: "", API_HOST: "", EDGE_RULE_TITLE: "Block AI Bots", PREFIX: "🐰🚫🤖", }; function chunk(arr, size, initArray = []) { const cpy = [...arr]; if (size <= 0) { return initArray; } while (cpy.length) { initArray.push(cpy.splice(0, size)); } return initArray; } async function cleanupPullZone(pullZoneId) { const res = await fetch(`${consts.API_HOST}${pullZoneId}`, { headers: { "content-type": "application/json", AccessKey: config.ACCESS_KEY, }, }); const data = await res.json(); const guids = data.EdgeRules.filter(({ Description }) => Description.includes(consts.EDGE_RULE_TITLE) ).map(({ Guid }) => Guid); (guid) => { const res = await fetch( `${consts.API_HOST}${pullZoneId}/edgerules/${guid}`, { method: "DELETE", headers: { "content-type": "application/json", AccessKey: config.ACCESS_KEY, }, } ); const data = await res.json(); console.log(`${consts.PREFIX} ${pullZoneId}: Deleted edge rule ${guid}`); if (config.DEBUG) { console.log(data); } }); } async function cleanup() { console.log(`${consts.PREFIX} Running clean up`); config.PULL_ZONES.flatMap((pullZoneId) => cleanupPullZone(pullZoneId)); console.log(`${consts.PREFIX} Done cleaning up`); } function buildTriggers(robots) { return chunk(robots, 5).map((PatternMatches) => ({ Type: 1, PatternMatchingType: 0, PatternMatches: => `*${i}*`), Parameter1: "User-Agent", })); } async function fetchRobots() { return await fetch(consts.AI_ROBOTS_FILE) .then((res) => res.text()) .then((txt) => txt .replaceAll("User-agent: ", "") .replace("\nDisallow: /\n", "") .split("\n") ); } async function createEdgeRules(triggers) { const triggerChunks = chunk(triggers, 5); for (const pullZoneID of config.PULL_ZONES) { for (const Triggers of triggerChunks) { const idx = triggerChunks.indexOf(Triggers); const res = await fetch( `${consts.API_HOST}${pullZoneID}/edgerules/addOrUpdate`, { method: "POST", headers: { "content-type": "application/json", AccessKey: config.ACCESS_KEY, }, body: JSON.stringify({ ActionType: 4, TriggerMatchingType: 0, Enabled: true, Triggers, Description: `${consts.EDGE_RULE_TITLE}, Group ${idx + 1}`, }), } ); const data = await res.json(); console.log(`${consts.PREFIX} ${pullZoneID}: Processed batch ${idx + 1}`); if (config.DEBUG) { console.log(data); } } } } console.log( `${consts.PREFIX} Preparing to work on pullzones: ${config.PULL_ZONES.join( ", " )}` ); if (config.CLEANUP) { await cleanup(); } const robots = await fetchRobots(); const triggers = buildTriggers(robots); await createEdgeRules(triggers); console.log(`${consts.PREFIX} Completed creating edge rules.`);